My Prayer

Lord, if I walk in search

of fulfillment outside of You,

let it be a fruitless endeavor

so Your truth I again pursue.

Destroy for good my strongholds,

bring to ruin my self-serving steps.

Keep these lifted hands empty,

unless I ask You what’s next.

Light up my inner darkness,

show me my fallen ways.

Carve out my depravity and

turn my bitterness into praise.

Let not my pride sprout roots…

pluck my arrogance like a weed

weaken my independence now

so I see that it’s You I need.

Let me no longer slumber –

steal me away from death’s hold.

Allow life within me to awaken as

Your story is being told.

Lead me to Your goodness

as You change my hearts desire.

Open my eyes to Your love as

You pull me from the mire.

Content me in Your presence,

I surrender to Your grace.

Give me joy in every circumstance

and may I forever seek Your face.

– Bethany Robin Biter